Dental Implants - West Palm Beach, FL

Successful Dental Implants Start with a Healthy Foundation

Restore Your Tooth with Dental Implants

Advanced technology now enables more patients to restore their teeth with dental implants. Your new teeth could last a lifetime, so start smiling today!

Contact us and start smiling today!

“Mini-Dental implants are primarily used for support of dentures, what we call now an overdenture. Mini-Dental Implants are not used to or designed to hold teeth or bridges and the consumer should be careful when they are sold as that. “

Dr. Mauricio Gutierrez

Dental Implants and Gum Health

To achieve a natural look and feel and to ensure a successful implant procedure, the foundation of your jaw bone and gums should be healthy prior to placement. This is why procedures such as periodontal disease treatment or grafting may be required before your implants are placed. Our experienced team at the Florida Institute for Periodontics and Dental Implants are specially equipped to prepare your mouth for a successful implant experience.

Advanced Technology Improves Care

Our technologically advanced practice provides services that improve the standard of care offered in West Palm Beach, FL. Some of the surgical procedures above will utilize a process called guided tissue regeneration to help the body regrow bone. We also utilize plasma rich growth factors which harness and direct the body’s ability to foster its own healing. These advances help minimize pain and recovery time. We also provide a variety of sedation options for those who suffer from dental anxiety.

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